Suzuki GT550 Project – PDF Download


20 Page – PDF Download – Suzuki GT550 Project – Complete Series –  PDF Download

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20 Page – PDF Download – Suzuki GT550 Project – Complete Series –  PDF Download

Making a start

Last month we featured our completed GT550 two-stroke triple, but back in January ’93 Brian Crichton was just starting to inspect our US import. Pictures by Doug Millhouse.

Before starting work on the Suzuki I decided to treat myself to a new socket set. The local hardware store had a really neat outfit on display at a discount I simply couldn’t resist.

Standing in the store and taking a closer look, the customer standing next to me commented it was the ‘best bargain in town’. We got chatting and he denied my suggestion that he might be the shop ‘plant’. So, new project, new Kamasa socket set. I hadn’t done any serious fettling for a few years, so the expense could be justified.

The Suzuki was in my garage but being such a hoarder, I couldn’t get near to it for my own collection of machinery in various states of repair. The answer was to rent a council lock-up for my car to make some room.

As reported last month, the Suzuki belongs to editor Bob, whose first contribution was to say he didn’t like the colour – of the bike, not the magazine, that is.

It was metallic green and I rather liked it, but he didn’t agree with my suggestion to keep it the original colour. He wanted red, so red he would have. Since a new fuel tank was required anyway, we thought we might as well order a red on with matching side panels.

These were to come in due course from D&K Spares where the bike came from in the first place.The result was seen in last month’s colour feature.

But, way back in February, I set to work with the intention of having the bike ready for Bob by the Summer. As it was, I stood in the garage clutching my new socket set trying desperately to get my butt into gear…”

20 Page – PDF Download – Suzuki GT550 Project – Complete Series –  PDF Download